Sunday, November 27, 2011

Command & Conquer Generals Cheats

Command & Conquer Generals Cheat: Scud Bug

This cheat allows you to launch the scudstorm repeatedly with out having to wait 5 min. You start by building a scudstorm with the gla (note: it dose not have to be fully constructed to use this cheat ex. 15%) next select the scud storm and press Q. Press and hold ctrl and select where you want it to fire and it will not stop until you tell it to.

Command & Conquer Generals Hack: All Badges

This involves editting a game file, so make a back-up before proceeding.

Go locate the command and conquer generals data folder. It can be found in driveletter:\my documents\ -or- driveletter:\documents and settings\administrator\ (WinXP). Locate and use Notepad (or a similar text editor) to open skirmishstats.ini You want to copy over the contents of the whole file with the following:

BestWinStreak = 999

Challenge = 0

Honors = 999999999999999

LastHouse = China

LoyalGames = 999

Nuke = 100

PPC = 100

SCUD = 100

WinStreak = 999

Wins = 999

maps\alpine assault\alpine assault.map_4 = 100

maps\armored fury\armored fury.map_4 = 100

maps\dark mountain\dark mountain.map_4 = 100

maps\desert fury\desert fury.map_4 = 100

maps\fallen empire\fallen empire.map_4 = 100

maps\final crusade\final crusade.map_4 = 100

maps\fortress avalanche\fortress avalanche.map_4 = 100

maps\golden oasis\golden oasis.map_4 = 100

maps\heartland shield\heartland shield.map_4 = 100

maps\homeland alliance\homeland alliance.map_4 = 100

maps\lone eagle\lone eagle.map_4 = 100

maps\rogue agent\rogue agent.map_4 = 100

maps\sand serpent\sand serpent.map_4 = 100

maps\scorched earth\scorched earth.map_4 = 100

maps\silent river\silent river.map_4 = 100

maps\tournament desert\tournament desert.map_4 = 100

maps\tournament island\tournament island.map_4 = 100

maps\tournament lake\tournament lake.map_4 = 100

maps\tournament tundra\tournament tundra.map_4 = 100

maps\twilight flame\twilight flame.map_4 = 100

maps\wasteland warlords\wasteland warlords.map_4 = 100

maps\whiteout\whiteout.map_4 = 100

maps\winter wolf\winter wolf.map_4 = 100

Command & Conquer Generals Hint - Multi-Stratee-gery Center

Normally when you are the USA, you can only build one strategy center. But there is a way to get more than one. For this trick to work you must be either the GLA or China. Also, there must be at least one USA team on hard or brutal. You need to build a barracks and get the capture building upgrade. Wait until the USA team builds a strategy center. Make sure it is not destroyed. Before you capture it, capture their command center. Then, build a constuction dozer. Begin to capture the strategy center now, and at the same time begin building another one with your new construcion dozer. They will both be usable to you once they are finished, so you can use multiple strategies.

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