Thursday, October 27, 2011

Trauma Team WII ISO Download

Trauma Team WII ISO Free PC Games Download Free Trauma Team WII ISO games download, free download full version, First Response plays like the Surgery aspect of the game but at a much faster pace. Rather than simply saving the patient, the goal is to stabilize them to be transported to the hospital. Due to the non-sterile nature of the outside environment, the basic tool selection is simplified and more situational tools and techniques may be used, like scissors to cut clothing. In most occasions, multiple patients must be treated at once and even more patients may be brought in over time. The player can switch patients at any time during the operation. In addition to the Vitals meter of the patient currently being treated, there are also icons representing other patients with red, yellow and green tags representing their Vitals. Typically patients will also explain ailments they are experiencing to help give the player an idea of what to expect. First Response also expects patients to be lost while treating other patients due to the hectic nature of the operation. If a patient does die, it takes away from a limit counter and the operation fails if too many patients die. In multiplayer, each player is assigned to a patient and can only work on that patient if the main patient is switched to them.

In Diagnosis, the player must gather clues to figure out the patient's ailment so it can be treated. The patient will explain their symptoms, requiring the player to figure out whether or not it is an appropriate ailment, though sometimes they will not explicitly state it, and may even hide information. Running tests on the patient will also help deduce even more possible symptoms. By putting in the symptoms in Gabriel's computer, a list of possible diagnosis will show. free download full version, Free pc games download full version


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