Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fallout 2

Fallout 2 PC Games Download Free Fallout 2 download, free download Fallout 2 full version, The plot for the Fallout 2 is set in the year 2241, 80 years after the events of Fallout. The game portrays the human cleavage from our own Earth because of fall of space and resources. Scientists developed nuclear bomb to guard their territories but explosion from this bomb led the cleavage of life from the Earth. But Fallout 2 doesn’t show the complete extinction of life from Earth. Some tribes managed to escape into underground vaults and they came out several years later only after everything restored to normal. But now the problem is how to live life now as there are very few resources left. From here starts the actual Fallout 2. As a hero of the game, it is now your duty to protect your tribe from starvation by restoring “Garden of Eden Creation Kit” or GECK.

Fallout 2 offered completely new game world story which is still liked by many. Its unique storyline and extremity in the game made it very popular game of that time. You will find lot of non-playing characters in the game assist you from time to time in your quest for GECK. However you can customize these characters for how do they assist you in your quest. Every character created in the game has a SPECIAL attributes. These are strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, agility and luck. Fallout 2 features 18 different skills categorized under combat, active and passive skills. Player is also given perk for crossing every third level. These perks grant player additional qualities and effects. free download full version, Free pc games download full version.
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