Friday, November 25, 2011

Dark Void PC

Free pc download games , download games for free, free games download, Dark Void is a sci-fi action-adventure game that combines an adrenaline-fuelled blend of aerial and ground-pounding combat. Set in a parallel universe called “The Void,” players take on the role of Will, a pilot dropped into incredible circumstances within the mysterious Void. This unlikely hero soon finds himself swept into a desperate struggle for survival, joining forces with a rebel human group called The Survivors. Trapped in the Void, these resistance fighters are battling to hold off a mysterious alien race that plans to threaten Earth.

Dark Void’s unique combination of jetpack-booster aerial dog fighting and third-person combat creates a thrilling new gameplay dynamic to the third-person shooter experience. Taking 3D action to a whole new level, Dark Void’s unique vertical combat system allows players to dangle from thousand foot drops as they take cover and hurl enemies to their doom, bringing a whole new sense of tension and thrill to the player. Will is also equipped with a powerful rocket pack which allows for fierce in-air combat, hurtling through the Void at blistering speeds while shooting down anything that gets in his path.


* Sci-Fi action/adventure combines aerial and on-foot combat for a totally unique third-person shooter experience

* Will’s jetpack delivers total freedom of movement allowing players to race against UFOs in high-speed chases and rain death from above onto unsuspecting otherworldly foes

* Speed and scale unmatched by any other action title: send Will zipping through tight corridors and then out into immense canyons and futuristic geoscapes

* Gravity-defying vertical combat system, where moving up is the only way to bring your enemies down

* Seemless transition between jetpack flight, ship-to-ship dog fighting and third-person shoot-‘em-up action all exists within the same level – not broken up into different “areas”

* Unique grip system that allows the players to scale walls by jumping from surface to surface and hijack UFO’s while in mid-air

* Huge bosses that require fast reflexes and aerial barnstorming maneuvers to defeat

* Developed by Airtight Studios, a new group featuring team members from the Crimson Skies series of video games

Dark Void Download


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